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    Biodiversity - Cetaceans
Cambiar tamaño de texto a 12 puntos Cambiar tamaño de texto a 14 puntos Cambiar tamaño de texto a 16 puntos

Pressure-State-Response Framework
Biodiversity - Cetaceans

6.4.1-1. Whale- watching licenses
Whale watchers
6.4.1-2. Fishing vessels and cruise ship arrivals in coastal areas with presence of whales
Fishery  catches in the coastal zone with presence of whales
Mexican species of cetaceans at risk
Population sizes of the grey and humpback whales and vaquita
Fisheries inspection activities in regions with presence of whales
Inspection and surveillance of fisheries resources (Fisheries chapter)
Dead dolphins and mortality rate per fishing event
Federal marine protected natural areas
in the distribution areas of gray and humpback whales and vaquitas
Indicator included in this chapter
Indicator included in another chapter of this report
Indicator proposed but not included in this report