Response indicators
National measures to address climate change
Fulfilling the commitments of Mexico before the UNFCCC related to mitigation, adaptation and technology transfer, as well as implementing initiatives to gain a more in-depth understanding of the effects, causes and vulnerability to climate change will mean a greater contribution of the country to solve this problem, and a better adaptation to its effects. Since climate change is an issue that Mexico, along with the rest of the world, addressed relatively recently, measures adopted refer to programs, studies and evaluations that eventually will drive specific actions, and although some of them are already operating, the results will start to become evident in the future. This is why the indicator Measures taken by Mexico on climate change, although descriptive, assesses the progress made by the country in meeting its commitments, as well as in adopting measures formulated as national initiatives. International initiatives of environmental indicators such as those of the OECD, Environment Canada and the European Environment Agency, among others, do not include an indicator of this type, either because they do not include response indicators, because they include indicators related to specific actions (e. g. energy efficiency, intensity of fossil fuel consumption, energy prices and taxes) or because they mention actions in their analysis (OECD, 2005; Environment Canada, 2008; EEA, 2009).
